Xuxiang Zou is a currently DMA student in choral conducting and piano at the University of Arizona. She is a student of Dr. Elizabeth Schauer and Dr. Daniel Linder. Xuxiang is originally from Zhejiang, China. She studied choral conducting with Professor Yan Wang, and...
Shekela Wanyama is in her second year as a DMA student in choral and orchestral conducting at the University of Arizona, where she also directs the Treble Glee Club. She is a student of Dr. Elizabeth Schauer and Dr. Thomas Cockrell. In the Tucson area, Shekela is...
W. Aaron Rice attended Hendrix College (BA in Music) in Conway, Arkansas, where he studied composition, counterpoint, and orchestration under Dr. Karen Griebling as well as trombone and conducting under Dr. Karen Fannin. After leaving Hendrix, he took over the...
Sinamar Pascua Respicio finished her bachelor’s degree in Church Music at the Asian Institute for Liturgy and Music (AILM) and Trinity University of Asia (Philippines) and her master’s degree in choral conducting, magna cum laude, at St. Paul University-Manila...
Erik Peregrine (they/them or he/him) enjoys an active career as a conductor and educator, currently serving as both the artistic director of University of Arizona’s Collegium Musicum and of Ensemble Companio, an award-winning Northeastern chamber choir. Peregrine has...