Keenan Elijah Dolan Lecture-Recital
Keenan Elijah Dolan Lecture-Recital
Doctoral student Keenan Elijah Dolan presents his scholarship on precursors of opera and a performance of excerpts from Orazio Vecchi’s L’Amfiparnaso.
Doctoral student Keenan Elijah Dolan presents his scholarship on precursors of opera and a performance of excerpts from Orazio Vecchi’s L’Amfiparnaso.
University of Arizona Symphonic Choir (Elizabeth Schauer, conductor) combines with the choirs of Tanque Verde and Agua Caliente Elementary Schools (Guillermo Keymolent, conductor) and the Chancel Choir of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church (Jordan M. Shomper, conductor) to present a joyful and varied choral collaboration, featuring folk song arrangements, opera choruses, spiritual arrangements and other […]