Distinguished Speakers Series
This site houses the archives of the University of Arizona Choral Studies Distinguished Speakers Series, begun in the fall of 2020. The series has two tiers – the first features lectures commissioned from content-area specialists, each of which presents a lecture on repertoire, relevant movements or traditions not typically included in the choral curriculum. The purpose is to embed these composers and movements in the primary curriculum of choral literature. The second tier features lectures presented by students and alums of the University of Arizona Graduate Choral Program who have been invited based on exceptional scholarship on the topics presented.
These lectures are free and available to everyone – they may be used in courses, for extra-curricular activities, for professional development or for personal edification. It is hoped that these lectures also will generate interest in more scholarship on and performance of these composers and topics. This project was started by Dr. Elizabeth Schauer, Director of Choral Activities.
The University of Arizona Choral Studies Distinguished Speakers Series has been made possible in part by support from the University of Arizona College of Fine Arts Dean’s Fund For Excellence and by donors to the School of Music at the University of Arizona.

John Michael Cooper

Dr. Stephen Caldwell

Cristian Grases

Jace Saplan

Ahmed Anzaldúa

David Morrow

Coreen Duffy

Candace Smith
Student and Alumni/ae Lectures

Jeff Vanderlee

Eunji Lee

Dr. He Huang

Angelica Dunsavage

Erik Peregrine

Shekela Wanyama

Nicky Manlove

James Higgs

Jason A. Dungee

Donté A. Ford