University of Arizona
College of Fine Arts - School of Music

Choral Studies

Sing With Us

The choral program at the University of Arizona carries over 74 years of excellence in performance and education, begun under the leadership of John Bloom in 1951. Seven choirs provide a range of musical experiences for students of all majors as well as faculty, staff and community members. All University of Arizona students can sing in a choir regardless of background, major or level of experience.

Our choral ensembles have achieved regional and national recognition through performances with the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, appearances at Carnegie Hall and concerts at the conferences of American Choral Directors Association, Arizona Music Educators Association and College Music Society. Several student-led a cappella groups also provide opportunities for those interested in a different kind of vocal experience. More information about each of the choirs may be found below.

For more information, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Schauer at

Symphonic Choir

MUS 400I (undergraduate students) and MUS 500I (graduate students)
MTWThF 2:00-2:50 p.m.

Dr. Elizabeth Schauer, conductor

Symphonic Choir is the premier choral ensemble at the University of Arizona with a mixed voice membership made up mostly of graduate voice and choral conducting majors, and advanced undergraduates in vocal performance and music education. Repertoire includes choral and choral-orchestral works from the Middle Ages through today, including recent performances at the regional and national events of American Choral Directors Association and GALA Choruses.

Membership is by audition only. Symphonic Choir fulfills the large ensemble requirement for music students.

Please contact Dr. Elizabeth Schauer at for more information or to schedule an audition.
Photo of Arizona Choir
University Singers

University Singers

MUS 400J
MWF 12:00-12:50 p.m.

Dr. Nicole Davis, conductor

University Singers is the premiere undergraduate choral ensemble of the School of Music. University Singers performs music of a wide range of styles and traditions, with a focus on excellence in choral performance and education.

Membership is by audition and includes singers of all voice types, especially music majors and advanced non-major singers. University Singers fulfills the large ensemble requirement for music students.

Please contact Dr. Nicole Davis for more information.

Treble Glee

MUS 400S/500S
MWF 12:00-12:50

Meg Foote, conductor

Treble Glee welcomes soprano and alto singers from across the campus with any level of experience. This choral ensemble balances support and instruction for new singers with community and connection. No audition is required. 

Please contact Meg Foote for more information.

Photo of Treble Glee
Photo of Coro

University Community Chorus

MUS 400K/500K
T 7:00-9:30 p.m.

Dr. Nicole Davis, conductor

University Community Chorus is a mixed choir of university faculty, staff and students, and members of the Greater Tucson community. The non-auditioned membership performs music of a variety of styles and traditions. This ensemble does not fulfill the large ensemble requirement for music majors.

Please contact Dr. Nicole Davis for more information.

Collegium Musicum

MUS 400Q/500Q
M 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Collegium Music is a small ensemble of singers and players that explores performances of music mostly prior to 1750. Membership is by permission of the instructor. Collegium Music fulfills large ensemble credit for master’s degree students of theory and musicology.

Please contact Dr. Jeff Vanderlee for more information.

Collegium Musicum
Photo of Coro

Recital Choir

MUS 402/502, section 112
MTTh 3:00-3:50 p.m.

The Recital Choir is a laboratory chorus whose membership is composed of graduate choral conducting majors and other interested advanced students, with the purpose of providing conducting pedagogy experiences for the graduate choral conducting students. The ensemble usually sings in three- to four-week cycles and is generally led by one graduate student during each cycle.

Interested parties should contact Dr. Elizabeth Schauer at for more information.

Faculty/Staff Choir

Not available for course credit
MTh 12:10-12:50 p.m.
Music Building, Room 106

Established in 1990, the Faculty/Staff Choir is a volunteer organization that welcomes singers who are currently faculty, staff and graduate students from the University of Arizona. The ensemble is housed in the School of Music, but is an independent entity. No experience is necessary and no audition is required.

Interested parties should contact conductor Dane Carten at for more information.

Photo of Faculty/Staff Choir